Your search for Fisheries returned 29 record/s. |
Amendments to Fisheries Regulation 2008 - East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery
The East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery is one of Queensland’s largest fisheries, both in terms of the amount of product caught and the number of participants involved. The Fishery covers some of Queensland’s most iconic species such as barramundi, bream, whiting and flathead. The commercial component of the fishery has an annual gross value of production of approximately $24 million and it is est
Combined marine fisheries amendments
Eleven proposals are being progressed that will amend subordinate legislation under the Fisheries Act 1994 to address ongoing or emerging fisheries management needs. The amendments will help provide for the sustainable use, conservation and enhancement of the community’s fisheries resources and fish habitats in a way that seeks to promote ecologically sustainable development.
The proposed changes
Combined Fisheries Management Regulatory Impact Statement and draft Public Benefit Test
Cabinet considered a submission regarding the release of the Combined Fisheries Management Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) and draft Public Benefit Test (DPBT) containing a number of proposed amendments to subordinate legislation governing the management of Queensland’s Fisheries under the Fisheries Act 1994.
The proposals contained in the RIS and DPBT are as follows:
Significant changes to
Amendments to regulated water and periods for Qld saucer scallops
The Fisheries (East Coast Trawl) Management Plan 1999 (the Plan) is subordinate legislation and complements the Fisheries Regulation 2008 in achieving the objectives of the Fisheries Act 1994. The Fisheries Act provides for the use, conservation and enhancement of the community’s fisheries resources and fish habitats in a way that seeks to promote ecologically sustainable development.
It is propo
Review of the Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan 2008
The current Moreton Bay Marine Park zoning plan, which has been reviewed prior to expiry, protects 0.5 percent of the marine park in marine national parks or no take “green zones”.
A consultation draft zoning plan was released in December 2007, proposing protection of 15% of Moreton Bay in marine national park “green zones”. The EPA held six public information sessions in communities adjacent to
Seafood scheme_April 2009
The Food Production (Safety) Act 2000 provides for food safety schemes to regulate the production of primary produce, to ensure primary produce is safe for human and animal consumption. Food safety schemes are already in place for meat, dairy and egg production and processing activities.
The seafood scheme will implement the National Standard for Primary Production and Processing of Seafood deve
Environmental Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009
The Queensland Government Environmental Offsets Policy (QGEOP) establishes a framework for using environmental offsets in Queensland. It provides principles and guidelines for applying and developing more detailed specific-issue offsets policies for important environmental values such as vegetation and fish habitat.
Under QGEOP, environmental impacts from development must first be avoided and
Queensland Fisheries Strategy 2009-14
The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation is responsible for the management of Queensland’s aquatic habitats and resources that support commercial fishing, aquaculture and recreational fishing.
Concern and growing awareness within stakeholder groups about environmental issues has dramatically increased scrutiny and pressure on fisheries management. While Queensland has an
RIS - Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery
The Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery includes three key species – snapper, pearl perch and teraglin. The key species are primarily caught offshore near rocky reef and inter-reefal habitats down to a depth of 200m from Bundaberg to the New South Wales border; although snapper are found as far north as Mackay. The fishery is managed under the Fisheries Act 1994 and the Fisheries Regulation 2008.
The key
Great Sandy Regional Marine Aquaculture Plan Policy Marine Authorities
The Queensland Government has adopted a planning approach for aquaculture, to ensure that future aquaculture development is suitably located and managed, and to increase the opportunities for involvement of affected stakeholders including the public. Initial planning activities focussed on guiding the development of non-intensive (that is, no feed added) marine aquaculture activities in the Great
Management arrangements for the Inshore Fin Fish Fishery
The Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fin Fish Fishery (the Fishery) is a multi-species fishery operating in Queensland waters west of Cape York comprising a commercial inshore net fishery, a commercial offshore net fishery, a commercial line fishery, commercial bait netting, recreational fishing, Indigenous fishing charter boat fishing.
The Fishery is managed under the Queensland Fisheries Act 1994, F
Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery - future management arrangments
A Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on the review of the Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery was released for consultation between 14 December 2010 and 8 April 2011. The RIS identified various management options for the future of the fishery, in particular for snapper.
In response to the consultation process a number of actions are proposed, including amendment to the Fisheries Regulation 2008, to redu
Fisheries Legislation Amendment and Repeal Regulation (No. 1) 2011
The Fisheries Legislation Amendment and Repeal Regulation (No.1) 2011 provides for amendments to the Fisheries Regulation 2008 which will incorporate relevant and reviewed provisions that currently exist in the Fisheries (Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fin Fish) Management Plan 1999 and insert a new declared Fish Habitat Area for Pine River Bay, located in the north west region of Albatross Bay (Wei
Implementation of Net Free Fishing Zones
The Sustainable Fishing Policy, released during the 2015 election, committed $10 million to introduce three Net Free Zones near Cairns, Mackay and Rockhampton to grow the economic benefits from recreational and charter fishing. That commitment was also subsequently included in The Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan endorsed by the State and Commonweath Governments and submitted to the UNESCO
Release of Queensland Fisheries Review recommendations
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries manages Queensland’s fisheries resources on behalf of all Queenslanders. Fisheries are a public resource, contested by thousands of commercial producers and hundreds of thousands of recreational fishers in Queensland.
There is a vast policy and legislative framework of regulations, procedures, practices, rules, limits and permit conditions to manage fish
Fisheries Management Reform Green Paper
Queensland’s fisheries resources are managed by the Queensland Government on behalf of the broader community. Over the last decade it has become apparent that the current framework used to manage these resources is not optimising the potential economic, social and environmental outcomes these resources could potentially generate for the community. Competition for access to these resources has incr
Government response - Queensland Competition Authority report on Aquaculture Regulation
Over the past decade, growth of the aquaculture industry in Queensland has stagnated with no new major entrants to the industry and only three significant pond farm expansions being approved. The Queensland aquaculture industry contends that new investment in the sector is being discouraged by a complex and protracted regulatory framework, with no certainty about the outcome.
In September 2013, t
Changes to Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme and commercial fishing in freshwater
A review of legislative arrangements for managing freshwater fisheries resources in Queensland (under the Fisheries Act 1994 and the Fisheries Regulation 2008) has been undertaken by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Key issues presented in a Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement released in late 2014 related to management arrangements for and potential to expand the Stocked Impoun
Fisheries (East Coast Trawl) Management Plan 2010 - amendments to protect the sustainability of scallops
The trawl industry over the last year or more has expressed concern about declining scallop catches.
Catch rates between January 2015 and April 2016 were the lowest in 39-year record of catches. A stock assessment was completed in October 2016 and shows that the biomass is potentially as low as 6% of its original biomass, and is at the lowest in the recorded history of the fishery.
Urgent action
QANTAS Firefighting Foam Release Brisbane Airport
QANTAS reported that on Monday 10 April 2017 at around 9pm, 22,000 litres of firefighting foam were released from a failed deluge system within an airport hangar at Brisbane Airport. Between 66% and 75% of the released foam was captured within the concrete bunded system within the hangar. However, the remainder of the released foam escaped and entered the drain system that feeds to several airport
Sustainable Fisheries Strategy and Charter Fishing Action Plan
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries manages Queensland’s fisheries resources on behalf of all Queenslanders. Fisheries are a public resource that need to be sustainably managed with access shared across a number of fishing sectors in the interests of all Queenslanders.
The government made a number of commitments in relation to fisheries including the establishment of three net free zones a
Biosecurity (White Spot Syndrome Virus) Amendment Regulation 2017
White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) is the cause of White Spot Disease in crustaceans. WSSV was detected in farmed prawns in the Alberton/Woongoolba region in late 2016. During March 2017, commercial harvested samples of greasy prawns, brown tiger prawns and banana prawns from the northern Moreton Bay were confirmed positive to WSSV by the Australian Animal Health Laboratory.
Movement Control Orders
Appointments to Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel
The Sustainable Fisheries Strategy, released in June 2017, sets out the government’s reform agenda for the next ten years to deliver a more modern, responsive and consultative approach to fisheries management. The Strategy includes improved stakeholder engagement through establishment of a Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel.
The role of the Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel is to provide independ
Modernising the Fisheries Act 1994
Queensland’s fisheries resources are managed by the Queensland Government on behalf of the broader community. Over the last decade it has become apparent that the current framework used to manage these resources is not optimising the potential economic, social and environmental outcomes these resources could generate for the community.
The Queensland Government released the Sustainable Fisheries
Fisheries (Sustainable Fisheries Strategy) Amendment Bill 2018
Queensland’s fisheries resources are managed by the Queensland Government on behalf of the broader community. Over the last decade, it has become apparent that the current framework used to manage these resources is not optimising the potential economic, social and environmental outcomes these resources could generate for the community. Competition for access to these resources has increased to th
Reform of priority fisheries in accordance with the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-27
The Queensland Government released the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-2027 (the Strategy) in June 2017, paving the way for a world-class fisheries management system. The Strategy commits to delivering a more modern, responsive and consultative fisheries management framework for Queensland.
One of the most fundamental changes is to introduce harvest strategies for each key fishery by 2020. Har
Replacement of Fisheries Regulation 2008 - first tranche of fisheries reforms
Amendments were made to the Fisheries Act 1994 and the Fisheries Regulation 2008 (the Regulation) for commencement in May 2019, in order to deliver on the principles and commitments outlined in the Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-2017 (the Strategy).
The Regulation is due to expire on 1 September 2019 under the Statutory Instruments Act 1992. The Regulation is proposed to be replace
Pacific Labour Scheme and Seasonal Worker Programme in Queensland
Queensland’s agribusiness and commercial fisheries are heavily reliant on seasonal workers. The Queensland horticulture sector alone needs, on average, between 15,000 and 17,000 casual and contract full time equivalent (FTE) workers each month during a good season. In a typical year, visa holders may provide up to 40% of farm labour.
A shortage of seasonal farm workers has been developing since in
Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation 2020
The commercial fishing industry was one of the first industries to be affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) due to the loss of key export markets in early 2020. As Australia responded to the pandemic and social restrictions were imposed, there was also a loss of domestic markets further affecting Queensland’s seafood industry. The commercial fishing sector continues to face significant econ